Fiame highlights sports investment worry

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 30 January 2024, 6:00PM

Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa said Samoa is faced with the sad reality that major investment is injected into the development of sports but the nation ends up shunning local players for those from overseas. 

She said this was not reflective of the resources and investment done into sports.

Fiame made the comments in Parliament on Tuesday during the Government response to the Supplementary Appropriation Bill (No.1) 2023-2024. 

Fiame spoke about the addition of another cabinet minister, leading to the establishment of the new Ministry of Sports and Recreation. 

Sports development was previously incorporated in the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture (MESC). 

She said major investment from the Government in sports can be seen at Faleata where multiple sporting facilities are located, and there are also other funds given to various sporting bodies. 

She said despite investment in the industry the players flying the national flag are selected from abroad and this does not achieve the purpose of spending on sports. 

“It is no secret and I believe that everyone in the House is aware that most of our players men and women are selected from overseas,” said Fiame. 

 “The question is, what is happening in sports development in Samoa.” 

She said that she has observed there are many sports fields between Nadi to Suva in Fiji and there are always games on. She said sporting groups are unified and many Fijians including youths play games there. 

Fiame said this is something that she doesn’t see in Samoa and raised questions on where is the development of sports and spending on sports. 

She pointed out that many are aware that one of God’s gifts to Samoans is their solid build which is evident in the sports that children play. 

But this is not the case said the Prime Minister querying what the meaning of these investments when the selection of players is dependent on those living overseas.  

She said the development of sports is interconnected to other developments like tourism if Samoa plays host to sports tournaments.

Given the establishment of the Ministry of Sports, Fiame urged to make use of major investments like Faleata to achieve the whole purpose of spending on sports facilities. 

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 30 January 2024, 6:00PM
Samoa Observer

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