NGO to train district council staff

By Faynihanthia Fereti 15 January 2024, 10:00PM

District office staff will be getting help from the Samoa Umbrella for Non-Government Organisations (SUNGO) on how to do their work in a transparent and accountable manner.

The Ministry of Women Community and Social Development has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SUNGO.

They will jointly provide training for the 51 District Councils in a partnership valued at SAT$200,180 for 12 months.

The partnership will allow the Ministry to provide financial support under the NGO Capacity Support Program funds.

The primary objective of this partnership agreement is for SUNGO to develop good governance training modules for training District Council members to assist them in managing their responsibilities and to enhance good governance in managing the District Development Program in their communities.

This agreement will contribute to achieving improved social development and diversified and a sustainable economy for the development of Samoa.

The agreement with SUNGO also underscores continuous commitment to advancing good governance practices and community well-being to uphold principles of accountability, gender equality, and environmental consciousness.

Minister for Women, Community and Social Development Mulipola Anarosa Ale Molioo has highlighted in the past that the inability for district council office staff to keep proper records and file reports has led to problems.

Each of the 51 districts is given $1 million every year to be used on development projects and the ministry wants the funds to be used in an accountable manner and the processes to be transparent.

Over five years, $265 million will be used.

By Faynihanthia Fereti 15 January 2024, 10:00PM
Samoa Observer

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