Journalist pays tribute to late grandparents

Journalist Tusiga Taofiga paid tribute to his late grandparents who raised him into the man he is today, through the acceptance of his responsibilities and commitments as one of the new holders of the Peseta title last Friday.
Peseta, a 29-year-old journalist with the Savali newspaper was amongst 41 new title holders of the Peseta title which was bestowed last week which was also to mark the growth within the family and the purpose they share to develop the family for the next generations to come.
"I firstly express my special thanks and honour to my dearest grandparents (mother's parents) who raised me who have unfortunately passed away, Peseta Tauti Taofiga Sealiimalietoa and Mualavau Fuimaono - Sealiimalietoa from Pu'apu'a in Savaii.," he told this newspaper.
"I also give special thanks to my mother's side of the family for recognising and blessing me with this title that I have been bestowed. This is one of the most significant titles in my family, the Peseta title.
"More special thanks to the High Chief of our family, Peseta Luteru Taofiga and his wife, Fa'ai'uga Peseta, uncles and aunties and their spouses both in Samoa and abroad for acknowledging me and honouring me with this title."
Peseta also thanked his mother, Solialii Peseta Taofiga for bringing him into this world and for believing in him that he can do the best for her family and for recognising and acknowledging his values and knowledge.
He then thanked his fiancée, Kahelaninoema Maria Kwon and her family for supporting his journey to the title as well as their kind blessings before his bestowment.
"My roots are where I come from and I will continue to be proud of my roots and where I am from," he said.
"I also would like to thank our church minister, Reverend Aperaamo Tufuga and his wife, Annie Tufuga for their chiefly advice and blessings for my journey.
The 41 title holders of the Peseta title are descendants of Pesetā Iiga Tiumalu and his sister Sinafatuimoa.
The family's high chief before the bestowment blessed the new title holders after the bestowment, as well as church ministers who were present to bless the bestowment ceremony with prayers.
"The chiefly title that I have been blessed with by my family, I am honoured and it will forever be my guidance to my roots and I will cherish this deep in my heart," he said.