People line-up for matai title registration

Many new title holders from abroad and locally lined up at the Ministry of Justice Courts and Administration on Monday to register their matai before leaving the country.
It’s the first day back to work for government ministries that have been on a two-week break before the Christmas holidays.
Getting a matai title is a new and exciting experience for first-time title holders that comes with great responsibility to the immediate family and especially the extended family.
Most of those who lined up at Mulinuu were mainly Samoans residing overseas who were in the country for the festive season and were part of the matai title bestowment ceremony.
The Samoa Observer spoke to some of the new matai title holders who were thankful for the honour conferred on them by their family and village.
The new matai holders had their title bestowed in Savaii, Upolu and others on the island of Manono. There has been an influx of people traveling back to Samoa in the festive season to get their title bestowment.
The M.J.C.A. staff had to keep check and control of the long line in the early hours.
Most of the people who went to register their title got the okay while others were told they did not have all the details required in the matai bestowal confirmation form and had to fill it in.
A person can have their matai publication after the title bestowal by providing a confirmation form or pepa saofai with complete detail and identification to confirm the age and person.
A fee of $100 tala has to be paid upfront at the M.J.C.A. registration division and an extra $20 tala for matai certificate.