West Coast road works done by March

The construction work for Lot 1 (A) and Lot 1 (B) of the second phase of the Rehabilitation of the West Coast Road Project is projected to be completed by March of this year.
This was confirmed by the Minister of Works, Transport and Infrastructure (M.W.T.I.), Olo Fiti Va'ai in response to queries from this newspaper on Thursday.
According to Olo, the target is to have the construction work completed by March. However, he is of the view that it will be completed by next month.
Motorists expressed concerns during the festive season about the conditions of the roads coming from the Mulifanua Wharf and at Faleolo, especially with the heavy downpours throughout Christmas week.
They were worried about the impacts it would have on their cars, especially while the workers from the contractor company were also on holiday.
As for the renovations needed for the international airport at Faleolo, Olo confirmed that it is expected to be completed by the end of June or July before the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (C.H.O.G.M.) in October.
Local construction company, Ott Constructors Co. Ltd was awarded the contract for the rehabilitation of the West Coast Road in two phases from Faleolo to Vailu'utai and Vailu'utai to West Circuit.
The project is funded by the World Bank under the Samoa Climate Resilience Transport Project (S.C.R.T.P.) and construction companies (both local and overseas) had until November of last year to submit applications to take up the project.
The Tender Awards on the Ministry of Finance's website confirmed that three companies made bids including the winning company, Ott Constructors Co. Ltd, Ulia Construction and China Civil Engineering Construction Co.
The Chinese construction company that expressed interest in taking up this project is the same company that won the contract to take up the reconstruction of Samoa's Cross Island Road earlier last year.
The Ott Constructors Co. Ltd won the contract to carry out road constructions for Lot 1A (Faleolo to Vailu'utai 0.712 km to 3.5 km) at the cost of SAT$13,625,458.68 and Lot 1B (Vailu'utai to West Circuit 3.5 km to 4.7 km) for SAT$6,657,691.94.
Bidding was conducted through International Competitive Procurement procedures using Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers- Procurement in Investment Projects Financing” (July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018) (“Procurement Regulations”), and was open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
The works needed for Lot 1A, Faleolo to Vailu'utai include site clearance along the road alignment including through easements, construction of the earthworks for the new road, construction of new stormwater drainage with associated catch pits, manholes, headwalls, and outfall drains, including outfalls through easements, location, protection and relocation of existing services.
It will also include the construction of roadside surface water channels, construction of new road pavements and surfacing, construction of Sea Walls (Rock Revetment), and installation of traffic signs and pavement markings.
For Lot 1B Vailuutai to West CIR Km 3.5 to Km 4.7, work also includes site clearance along the road alignment including through easements, construction of the earthworks for the new road, construction of new stormwater drainage with associated catchpits, manholes, headwalls, and outfall drains, including outfalls through easements, location, protection and relocation of existing services, construction of roadside surface water channels, construction of new road pavements and surfacing, construction of Sea Walls (Rock Revetment), installation of traffic signs and pavement markings.
The main objective of the project is to improve the climate resilience of Samoa’s road network and improve Government’s ability to respond to an Eligible Crisis.
It aims to address transportation challenges identified in Samoa, specifically focusing on ensuring connectivity within the transport sector and building resilience to external shocks, particularly climate change.
In 2018, the World Bank Executive Board approved a US$35.75 million (T$95.09m) grant to improve the climate resilience of Samoa’s road network and facilitate a rapid response in the event of a natural disaster.
Funded under these grants are the infrastructure investments to improve the climate resilience of the West Coast Road between Malua and Faleolo.