People of the Year - Faleula Fitiao Saina - Siumu's anti-litter hero

By Talaia Mika 31 December 2023, 1:00PM

It has been over a decade now for 63-year-old Faleula Fitiao Saina to pick up rubbish around his community and from his village of Siumu across Cross Island road that's close to 20 kilometers of walking, and to Apia.

Mr. Saina cuts a forlorn figure on the roadside armed with a plastic bag, occasionally stopping to pick up discarded paper, plastic, or litter of all kinds, as he traverses the Cross Island Road from Siumu to Apia.

Unlike the people who like to toss plastic and other things out of their moving cars and while walking on the road, Mr. Saina's action is one that everyone should be following.

If everyone in Samoa picks up litter from in front of their homes, a solution to the litter issue facing the nation could be found.

He is well-known to tourists and locals from his area, thanks to the hard yards he puts in every day, walking and collecting rubbish for the love of keeping Samoa clean.

In an interview with the Samoa Observer, Mr. Saina said he believes he can set a good example, by encouraging others to become more responsible for their litter and fulfill his dream for Samoa to become well known for its cleanliness.

"I want to see a beautiful Samoa in my remaining days on this earth and the generation nowadays probably don't understand that back in the days when I was young, Samoa was such a beautiful country because it was so clean and no one litters this much," he said. 

"I also want the world to keep seeing Samoa as a clean paradise and I believe that I can inspire especially the young generations to keep Samoa clean, not only for that reason but also for improved health."

Mr. Saina started by cleaning his village in Siumu, especially the roadside for free then expanded his service to the main hospital in Moto'otua and the Apia town area. 

Asked why he walks for miles to do a job that doesn't pay, the father-of-two said spreading his message was more important to him than money.

When this newspaper caught up with Mr. Saina while he was cleaning around the Tupua Tamasese Meaole National Hospital after arriving from Siumu. 

Over the years, Mr. Saina's litter picking was noticed by his community on the south coast as well as tourists.

The owner of the Sinalei Resort, a few years after he started his free rubbish collection exercise, began giving him $100 every week as he also collected rubbish around the resort every day.

His older sister Esa Fitiao also told this newspaper that his younger brother was stubborn when their family tried various times to stop him as they were concerned that he was not getting any younger.

"Ever since he was young, we all know him as a neat person. Even at home, he wouldn't let a single or small piece of rubbish lie around our home so that should explain why he loves collecting rubbish," she said.

"We tried so many times to stop him, especially during bad weather because even if it rains so hard or during a very sunny day, it just never stops him from doing what he loves."

Despite being in his 60s now, Mr. Saina doesn't look like he's throwing in the towel any time soon, with Siumu villagers saying he just keeps on going which is why he is quite popular with tourists who visit. 

By Talaia Mika 31 December 2023, 1:00PM
Samoa Observer

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