Christian Radio hits local airwaves

By Faynihanthia Fereti 27 December 2023, 3:05PM

The Remnant Christian Radio or the RCR began its services as an inter-denominational nonprofit Christian Media Service established in August of 2022 as an online radio platform that can now be heard across the globe on its online radio platform known as Zeno Radio.

Phase 2 of the project was successfully launched on Tuesday evening which included broadcasting on its FM radio station on 95.6MHz throughout most urban areas as well as reaching neighboring villages from its base at Papaloloa, Vailima.

It is a nonprofit organisation operated and funded by the Papaloloa Assembly of God trust and led by Pastor Paulo Mikaele as patron and a subcommittee consisting of local parishioners with experience in missions, administration, finance, marketing, and communications. 

According to Sagapolutele Ulaula Jensen, Chairman of RCR, the purpose of the radio station is to provide a platform for all Christian communities and groups as an outreach tool to edify and encourage all demographics with the message of love, peace, and joy through the teachings of Jesus Christ.

"All Glory to God for making our dream a reality because this project was not easy from the beginning but we've put in a lot of effort to make it happen and we did it. On behalf of the committee I would like to thank all our sponsors and our church members around the globe for believing in us," he said. 

"This will greatly impact our local listeners especially the elderly who have limited access to the internet for them to be able to tune in every day and listen to our program."

RCR is the first radio station in Samoa to operate using A. I Technology (Artificial Intelligence) for its signature sound processing is a fully digital radio station with only its transmission still in analog.

By Faynihanthia Fereti 27 December 2023, 3:05PM
Samoa Observer

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