So’oalo gets third term as Ports boss

By Shalveen Chand 23 December 2023, 7:00AM

So’oalo Falelima Kuresa So’oalo will lead the Samoa Ports Authority for another three years after the Cabinet gave him the nod.

Only two applicants applied for the post after it was advertised.

During the six years So’oalo has held the position of General Manager, Samoa Ports Authority has paid dividends of $20 million to the Government despite facing challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic.

In his first term in office, So’oalo played a leading role in securing funding of USD$26.2 million to finance the improvements of the Apia Port which is currently in progress and continues to be rolled out by the authority with its sector partners.

A Government statement said So’oalo’s visionary approach and forward-thinking include strategic initiatives outlined in the authority’s investment plan aimed at enhancing SPA’s facilities, operations and logistics.

He holds a Master of Business Administration, (MBA) from the University of the South Pacific (2007) and a Bachelor of Commerce-Accounting from the National University of Samoa, (2000) and was educated at Samauga Primary School in Savaii, Leifiifi Intermediate School and Samoa College.

He started his career as an executive with the ANZ Bank and for 15 years served as Assistant General Manager of the Samoa Shipping Corporation, (SSC) before his appointment by the Cabinet in 2017 as General Manager of SPA.

This will be So’oalo’s third three-year term in office.

By Shalveen Chand 23 December 2023, 7:00AM
Samoa Observer

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