Christmas is for giving: BSP

By Shalveen Chand 20 December 2023, 5:46PM

In the true spirit of Christmas, BSP Samoa staff fulfilled the tradition of spreading the festive season joy by visiting residents at the Vailima Carmelite Monastery of the Carmelite Sisters.

The visit saw BSP Staff moved by the warm smiles of the residents as they received BSP Samoa’s annual Christmas-giving tree on Saturday 16 December 2023.

BSP Samoa Country Head team Tunumafono Jennifer Ula-Fruean and her team shared Christmas gifts valued over $8,000 including a $3,000 cash donation and breakfast to start their day.

“The heartfelt gratitude, prayers, and smiles shared during the visit truly warmed the hearts of the staff and children that participated,” she said.

 “I am immensely proud of our BSP family collective efforts and the opportunity we have to give back to the community we serve.  This Christmas donating embodies the true spirit of the season - a reminder that beyond our professional endeavours, is the power to bring joy and comfort to those we serve.”

BSP Samoa remains dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of the people it serves and the source of its strength.

By Shalveen Chand 20 December 2023, 5:46PM
Samoa Observer

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