Christmas fever grips Leauvaa

By Talaia Mika 17 December 2023, 10:04PM

The festive fever has gripped the residents of Leauvaa who are ending the year with a bang and have once again lifted the spirit of Christmas this year with colourful Christmas lights brightening up the whole village.

Every household is obliged to decorate their house and front yard with Christmas lights and are to abide by the village rule that every household is to not turn on their Christmas lights until the village's evening curfew is finished.

One of the most outstanding households with a whole Christmas park in their front yard is the current Member of Parliament for Sagaga No.3, Sala Fata Pinati who created a design with activities filled with lights that is open to all residents of Leauvaa as well as tourists and visitors.

Leauvaa officially lit all Christmas lights last Sunday which attracted many. The Samoa Observer also visited the village on Sunday night and witnessed a crowd of tourists and locals tuning up to the MP's house.

In an interview with Samoa Observer, a resident in Leauvaa, Fatima Vaifale, a 72-year-old who lives alone and whose house was destroyed by a fire in 2019 said she comes home from New Zealand every Christmas to celebrate with her family and village through the special spirit which Leauvaa holds for Christmas.

"I am based permanently in New Zealand with my family but this is the second year I have come to Samoa especially for Christmas because of the special feeling Leauvaa holds for the birth of Jesus Christ," she said.

"It's a different feeling spending Christmas here in Leauvaa because of what they do and how special it is because we don't see this overseas where I'm from.

"Since our house was destroyed by the fire, we managed to get it up again and rebuilt it beautifully with the help of all family members and this is the home for all our relatives from overseas when they come over to Samoa. We're glad we did that otherwise we wouldn't get to witness how beautiful Christmas is in Leauvaa and join the village in decorations. We decorated our front yard and inside our house."

Mrs. Vaifale is currently waiting for her husband who will spend Christmas with her in Leauvaa before they return to New Zealand after New Year's.

By Talaia Mika 17 December 2023, 10:04PM
Samoa Observer

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