Ports gear up for maritime changes
From 1 January 2024, amendments to the Facilitation Convention (FAL Convention) enter into force which implements the mandatory use of Maritime Single Windows (MSWs) by ports including in Samoa.
If the software is not implemented or people are not trained to use it, ships will not be able to enter Samoan ports.
A National Seminar on Facilitation of Maritime Traffic was held in Apia at the end of last month. Stakeholders learned about the benefits of using the Maritime Single Window and Electronic Data Interchange in facilitating ships’ clearance in Samoa’s ports.
A Maritime Single Window is a digital platform that allows the electronic submission, through a single online portal, of all information required by various agencies to ensure efficient clearance of ships during port calls.
Those with responsibilities for the clearance of ships, cargoes, and persons, along with private stakeholders participated. The 22 attendees represented the Samoa Ministry of Prime Minister and Cabinet; the Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure; the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries; and the Ministry of Health. Also present were representatives from Customs, the Samoa Port Authority, and the Maritime Police.
The event was organised by IMO and the Pacific Community (SPC) and is hosted by the Ministry of Works, Transport, and Infrastructure of Samoa (MWTI), to support the effective implementation of the FAL Convention, a key treaty aimed at achieving the smooth running of ships’ port calls and efficient cargo and passenger transit.
Julian Abril, Head of the Facilitation Section, Maritime Safety Division represented IMO.