"Thank you Mum":Faatuatua dux

By Faynihanthia Fereti 07 December 2023, 8:00AM

Faatuatua Christian College’s dux for the 2023 academic year, Augustinvinnie Uitea Toomaga says it was his mother's hard work and sacrifices that made him achieve academic glory.

The 17-year-old from Pata Falelatai, was announced the college’s top student during the prize-giving ceremony on Wednesday at the Peace Chapel hall in Vaimea.

He dedicated his success to his mother, Soona Toomaga who has been his greatest motivation throughout his academic journey.

“To my mom, I hope I made you proud today and this is for you and all the sacrifices you made for me,“  he told the Samoa Observer.

“She has been my main support and main reason to push through with school and I know none of this would be possible without her by my side playing the mother and father role in my life,”

Mr.Toomaga acknowledged the support of his teachers and peers at school while giving thanks to God for his unconditional blessings and guidance throughout his journey.

“All the glory to God for all the blessings and guidance in times when I faced challenges and tribulations and  I’d also like to thank all my teachers for their help and support,”

Reminiscing about his journey, the optimistic teen said it was not an easy road and nothing in life ever comes easy as he’s ready to embark on the next chapter of achieving his goals. 

"I worked hard to get here and I am happy to say this was one of my biggest goals. I have always wanted to be the dux and I did it.

"Just like everything you have to put in the work and effort to get there."

Aspiring to become a civil engineer one day, Augustinvinnie said he would strive hard to become successful so he can achieve his dream and be able to give back to his mother for all that she has given him as well as his family for their support.

Augustinvinnie came first in Mathematics, Physics, and Biology. 

By Faynihanthia Fereti 07 December 2023, 8:00AM
Samoa Observer

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