Prayer warrior grateful for 80 years

By Talaia Mika 21 November 2023, 11:00AM

Tuimatafele Faafete I. Fereti recently turned 80 years old and has a message for today's youth who aspire for longevity in life and that is to "always pray".

Her birthday was held at the Taumesina Island Resort last week with friends and loved ones of Tuimatafele gathering to celebrate the 80 years of life that she has had as well as the impact that she has had on her family.

In an interview with the Samoa Observer, Mrs. Fereti said due to her growing up in a religious-oriented family, her childhood was always about praying and it was a strong family tradition that was passed onto her and her siblings by their parents.

"Our lives growing up back then was always about praying," she said. "Pray as many times as you can a day and it was something our parents instilled in us from our childhood to growing up.

"And that is something I saw myself doing to a family of my own when I grew up and I did just that. I guided my children to follow the same path because there is no other way you can get your blessings other than through God and through prayer.

"It is also a message I wish to spread out to whoever youth out there that can read this old lady's message. Pray as many times as you can a day for He can only grant you the blessings you need in your life."

Tuimatafele is a mother to three children and grandmother to nine grandchildren and is also the youngest of nine with all of her siblings passing on. 

Despite her age, she is strong and is grateful to God for the gift of children, who inspire her to live longer and continue their relationship on this planet while making more fond memories.

Her daily activities are doing laundry for her children and grandchildren whom she lives with, washing dishes, and many usual daily chores she can do at home before she tops it off with a glass of red wine in the evening after all her chores are done.

Tuimatafele also urged the youths of today to always listen to their parents and said that it was always vital and the way of living for them in their youth days.

"Back then, obedience and following instructions was key in our household and that's something we'd like to see the youth of today maintain in their own households because it is part of culture and part of living for any human being," she added.

By Talaia Mika 21 November 2023, 11:00AM
Samoa Observer

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