Children play key roles in Peace Torch's journey

By Alexander Rheeney 09 November 2023, 4:00PM

Preparations have been made for the final leg of the Samoa Victim Support Group's Torch of Peace which completes its journey at the Friendship Park on Friday.

The symbolic journey throughout Upolu and then Savai'i put the spotlight on violence and enabled members of the community to raise their concerns about the growing national crisis. The SVSG said in a media release issued on Thursday that the journey of the Torch of Peace witnessed an extraordinary display of community engagement and determination to bring about positive change to address violence.

The village of Mulifanua was the last village where the Torch of Peace rested in Upolu before heading to Savai'i. It rained as the torch travelled from Upolu to the big island. However, the light of hope and peace remained burning up until it reached the shores of Salelologa. 

The SVSG village representatives received the torch at the Salelologa wharf and were carried by the students of the Don Bosco School to the Salelologa market. It was at the Market that Reverend Pou Tuigamala of the Assembly of God in Salelologa led the prayer service as local farmers sold their produce at the market.

Referring to violence, not as a pandemic, but as a sin, Rev. Pou Tuigamala then highlighted the significance of the Torch of Peace in shining light onto the darkness of sin and violence.

The journey of the Torch of Peace from Salelologa, Maota, Palauli, Satupaitea, Sili, Gautavai, Gataivai and Taga where it rested for the first night, was marked by a proud but humble community.

The SVSG said seeing the men, women and children, dancing from in front of their houses, children running alongside the road in the rain, men walking in their traditional wear, more women with banners bearing messages to end violence, and the torch being carried by members of the community in wheelbarrows, spoke volumes of an engaged community, and the non-profit organisation was proud and humbled to be part of the journey of hope.

The children are at the forefront of spreading the message of hope, peace and light for the Torch of Peace Campaign. This was evident by the reception from the children along the roadside and even as Torch Bearers, as the Torch travelled from Upolu to Savaii, and back. The children’s enthusiasm and excitement in being part of the campaign went beyond the expectations of the SVSG.

The principals and the teachers from Asau to Sasina in Savai'i showed their commitment to the Torch of Peace by providing students with the opportunity to participate in the campaign. 

“The children are learning and advocating against violence in a practical and fun way.”

Even the pre-schoolers at Samauga were holding messages they had drawn up with their parents and teachers. The learning that has gone into this process has greatly assisted our children in breaking the deeply rooted social and cultural norms, that perpetuate violence. The positive reception, excitement, learning and engagement by the children remain one of the highlights of the Torch of Peace, as it sets for its final leg of the journey tomorrow.

From Toamua where the torch will rest on Thursday night to Taufusi, along the beach road to Mulinuu and back to the Friendship Park, there will be close to 100 more advocates bearing the Torch of Peace on Friday.

Students from the colleges in town will play an important part as torchbearers and guardians of peace as they will be stationed at the Town Clock. The female students will represent the beneficiaries of the Ending Violence campaign when they present the Torch of Peace to the Government of Samoa, which has the overall responsibility for the people's safety.

“The involvement of children in the Torch of Peace Campaign will have a long-term impact in championing gender equality in Samoa, so there is always hope," said the SVSG President, Siliniu Lina Chang.

By Alexander Rheeney 09 November 2023, 4:00PM
Samoa Observer

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