3million trees on track
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment planted 1,500 trees on the Methodist Reserve in Afiamalu on Wednesday, as part of the three million tree campaign.
It is a component of a larger national effort to promote the mitigation of climate change, restoration of damaged land, maintenance of biological variety, and sustainable forest management.
Assistant Chief Executive Officer of the Water Resources Division within the MNRE, Asuao Malaki Iakopo reveals that there is a decline in Samoa’s major forests and mainland areas, and initiatives such as tree planting campaigns, sustainable land use, and integrative catchment management programs can address these challenges.
He said the tree planting campaign focuses on working with all constituencies and civil societies, prioritising reforestation of native and endangered trees as well as planting for commercial use timber.

"We want to increase the amount of forest cover by planting more trees, as there has been a significant decline in recent years," Asuao said.
“This will help combat climate change, clean air and water supplies, and provide healthy soil in our nation. In order to support these kinds of initiatives, we are also encouraging individuals to plant in their homes. To lessen the effects of coastal erosion, they can plant along the coast.”
“Additionally, we are attempting to persuade Samoan farmers who cultivate close to water sources, such as rivers. They can farm, but they can farm sustainably by combining crops with trees. In this manner, it will assist in preventing flooding, soil erosion, and have enough crop water supplies.”
The project believes that all men and women who manage to plant trees have contributed to the activity's success through their concerted, multispectral effort.
Through collaboration with its many significant partners, the M.N.R.E.'s Water Resource Division oversees the nationwide campaign.
In an effort to save the environment, counteract the negative effects of climate change and establish catchment areas for water supplies, the Ministry will once more collaborate with the general public and local communities to plant three million trees, and possibly more.