Manono-uta hosts A.P.S. volunteers

By Gutu Faasau 28 October 2023, 10:25PM

The village of Manono-uta farewelled volunteers from the Apia Protection Society (A.P.S.) who were on their last community venture for this month.

A team of dedicated veterinarians took their service to the village of Manono-uta for an animal clinic. Clinic administrator, Leisha Ah Sang said that this was their last outreach for the month with the Vets Beyond Borders (VBB) and this was also farewell for them recognising their efforts with the outreaches throughout October. 

“We were able to de-sex a few dogs and cats and puppy check-ups and it was all thanks to Shona Kwan and her family for not only lending us their really nice, breezy fale by the sea and for taking very good care of us,” she said. “We hope that we were able to somehow make a difference with the way our people treat their animals and by treating and de-sexing their animals. 

"We also like to encourage those who haven't got the chance to bring their animals to these clinics to please consider de-sexing their animals and treating them so they could live the healthiest and longest lives together with their families as APS slogan always states that Pets are family. 

“We want to wish a big faamalo to my team Dr. Hanna Gaskin, Dr.Laura Martin, veterinarian nurse Lowri Bennett not forgetting the locals Tino Tuionetoa. 

"Also to Joseph Mura who had the chance to experience his very first dog castration on his own and hopefully would be the first of so many more opportunities to come for him in helping out the clinic." 

Their next outreach will be in December this year but the location is yet to be confirmed. They are still deciding where to have it and have also received requests to take their service over to the big island of Savai'i.

By Gutu Faasau 28 October 2023, 10:25PM
Samoa Observer

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