Samoa marks World Food Day

By Gutu Faasau 19 October 2023, 5:49PM

The importance of agriculture to Samoa was on display as the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries marked World Food Day and Animal Day at the Fugalei Market on Thursday.

Different institutes and donor partners were invited to enjoy what Samoa's agricultural sector has to offer. 

The Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, La'auli Leuatea Schmidt said this was an initiative the ministry pushed for to promote the agricultural sector and he was happy with the turnout.

He said he hoped that students realise the need to take up agriculture because food security is very important.

"The Ministry planned to have an Open Day to promote the agriculture sector to primary, secondary and tertiary schools. This is an important time for them to come learn about agriculture here in town," he said.

"World Food Day includes all the natural products from plants to livestock and fishing. And on the other end is the importance of a sustainable food supply and the economic development of farmers with the distribution of supplies from donor partners and also to display our crops and agricultural products." 

The minister said these are not just "empty words" and has backed it with action by managing to distribute chicken, pigs, taro plants and planting materials in an effort to prepare for the future.

Farmers were given the opportunity to set up exhibition booths to display some of their agricultural products at the event and 62-year-old Sameli Aumua from Sauniatu, Anoamaa set up his stall for lemon, ginger and honey health drinks.

"This is all created from what is available in our country and it is a family recipe which has helped us ward off the flu and many other ailments," he said. "I am 62 years old and I still play basketball and rugby all because of this stuff. 

"My family has benefitted from it and every time we make it, we see that it is needed. So, we decided to start a small business from this and so we got all the necessary papers in place and have started selling to some local shops and have even shipped some to Tokelau and American Samoa." 

He is very grateful for such an event as the MAF Open Day giving the opportunity for his product to be widely known to all.

World Food Day 2023 will focus on the theme, ‘Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave No One Behind’. The theme aims to highlight the critical role of water for life on earth and water as the foundation of our food. It also seeks to raise global awareness about the importance of managing water wisely as rapid population growth, economic development, urbanization, and climate change threaten water availability.

World Food Day takes place annually on 16 October and promotes awareness of hunger and action for the future of food, people, and the planet. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) designated 16 October as World Food Day in 1979.

By Gutu Faasau 19 October 2023, 5:49PM
Samoa Observer

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