New look Fatumea Piula Cave pool unveiled

The Methodist Church in Samoa has unveiled a new look Fatumea Piula Cave within the church's theological college following the completion of renovation work.
The unveiling was attended by the leaders of the Methodist Church, the Principal of Piula Theological College, Cabinet Ministers, Samoa government officials as well as members of the church and theological college students.
Reverend Taumafai Komiti, the leader of the Synod in North Auckland, officiated at the service to bless the new project before it was opened to the public.
The wife of the Methodist Church President, Fialelei Faulalo Leti was given the honor of cutting the ribbon on Monday.
Speaking on behalf of the government, the Minister for Works, Transport and Infrastructure, Olo Fiti Va'ai said the renovations were done by the government through the Land Transport Authority (L.T.A.).
The project was funded from the government's budget allocated for road routine maintenance and the contract was awarded at the cost of SAT$275,801.35 to the local company King Construction.
L.T.A. supervised the construction work and renovations which were done over a three-week period prior to the opening on Monday this week.
The upgrade included a new cement driveway down to the cave pool (155 metres long and 4 metres wide) with a more spacious car park for visiting family and friends. The renovations were also completed on the new fale at the site for members of the public.
The church leaders expressed their gratitude to the Government for granting their request for the much-needed renovation as this is one of country's the most visited tourist attractions.
The Fatumea Piula Cave Pool is located below the historic Methodist Chapel at Piula on the north coast of Upolu Island in Samoa. It is located at Lufilufi in the constituency of Anoama'a No. 1 and is 26 km east of Apia.
The renovation work was praised by visitors, who were enjoying a much-needed dip in the pool on Wednesday morning, both first-time visitors as well as Samoans residing overseas who are currently in the country on holiday.