Two Samoa talks hailed a success

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 13 October 2023, 11:00PM

The fourth Atoa o Samoa executive meeting concluded on Thursday night with the leaders of the American Samoa and Samoa Governments saying the discussions had been fruitful.

The farewell reception was hosted at the Stevensons Hotel in Manase after a long day of visits around the big island of Savai'i on Thursday. 

The Leaders of the two governments said the discussions were fruitful with some progress on issues raised and agreed on during the last meeting in April of this year hosted by the American Samoa government. 

Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa informed the delegates from the two governments that the outcomes of the discussions from the meeting had been circulated to the top bureaucrats from both governments before they sign off on what was discussed during the meeting. 

The Governor of American Samoa, Lemanu Mauga spoke on behalf of his delegation to thank the government of Samoa for hosting yet another successful and fruitful discussion. 

He also thanked the Government of Samoa specifically for allowing them to tour Savai'i and see first hand some of the major developments in the big island. 

Governor Lemanu thanked the respective members from the two countries for their input and contribution to what he described as a very successful meeting. 

The meeting was the second one for the leaders from the two countries this year and the fourth meeting after discussions between the two neighbours were put on hold following the pandemic. 

The leaders of the two neighbours said the bilateral meeting between the two Samoas focused on various areas such as education, health, infrastructures, trade, employment opportunities and improving collaboration in terms of developments for the two countries. 

According to Fiame, the first M.O.U signed by the two countries was signed in 1986. 

Fiame added that the agricultural sector was an area that the discussions placed an emphasis on.

The delegates had one more stop before making the 12 o'clock trip back to the main island on Friday afternoon. 

Governor Lemanu and P.M. Fiame led a visit and inspection of the main hospital in Savai'i, the Malietoa Tanumafili Hospital in Tuasivi. 

They got to see the facilities and see if there's any area that needs improvement so they can cater to the sick residents in Savai'i. 

The health officials working at the Tuasivi Hospital were ecstatic to have hosted the high-level visit from the leaders of the two governments. 

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 13 October 2023, 11:00PM
Samoa Observer

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