Samoa College students cherish Career Day

By Talaia Mika 13 September 2023, 5:00PM

The challenge of having limited knowledge of options available to Samoan students' for their future academic journeys is one thing Samoa College hopes to tackle through their Career Day.

The two-day program has been in the school's annual calendar since 2021 allowing students to interact with the public and private sector  including government ministries, non-governmental organisations, regional academic institutions and local businesses.

In an interview with the Samoa Observer, Samoa College's principal, Karene Faasisila stressed that since the commencement of the program in 2021, students have shared feedback on how it has opened their eyes on the opportunities they were not aware of.

"This is what we feel, this really helps with the selection of their options because some students who want to be doctors, go and select commerce for an example," she said.

"So by understanding the pathway they want, everyone has access to that opportunity and not just other levels.

"It's very eye opening and we've had some good responses from the kids that have helped them with making correct decisions for their pathways.

"Education plays a vital role in the lives of students as it provides the tools for achieving their biggest dreams and empowers them to be better people.

"Education contributes to social justice, but even more importantly, it contributes to the achievement of one's full potential. The challenges faced by our youth are plenty. Social, cultural, economic and global factors, limited job opportunities, changes in education systems and the high competition in schools and the workforce to name a few."

"As our students continue with secondary school and begin thinking about their future, they start to realise there are many opportunities and options available to them.

"We believe that it is essential for students from an early age to begin learning about different career pathways available and understand their knowledge and skills so as to plan for a successful future."

Students of each level on Wednesday got to take a break for two days from their normal class routines. They had a chance to visit booths of different institutions, ministries and organisations.

Meanwhile, for many years the college participated in various career days hosted by various organisations, institutions and ministries; however, the opportunities were limited as only few represented their school.

Ms. Faasisila acknowledged their major sponsor, Samoa Stationery and Books (SSAB) for their ongoing support throughout their career day adding that "No one arrives at a moment like this without the help and support of a great many people."

"It is therefore with the utmost respect and the highest of gratitude that we extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to all who have played/are playing a role in making this event possible each year.

"You have assisted with a platform which ensures students will be inspired to succeed and become productive members and leaders of society."

One of the students, Lauititi Bris Taioalo told this newspaper that the career day has opened new doors for her and careers she never thought existed such as journalism.

"I only knew about writing and I thought it would be just writing essays but it's actually more than that. I get to meet new people, expand my knowledge on certain topics and travel to other countries," she said.

"I love writing as a habit and I never saw journalism as something more than just writing essays and now that I know, I am optimistic about that being another career path if everything falls into place."

By Talaia Mika 13 September 2023, 5:00PM
Samoa Observer

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