Pre-recorded lotto draw to be reviewed

A contract between the Gambling Control Authority and a local T.V. station that pre-records the Samoa National Lotto draw for broadcast will be reviewed to address concerns raised by the public.
The Minister of Public Enterprises, Leatinuu Wayne So’oialo in a recent interview with the Samoa Observer said a contract signed by the authority and TV 5 to air the delayed lotto draw results will undergo a review to address a number of issues.
The Gambling Control Authority (G.C.A.) currently contracts TV 5 to broadcast their national lotto draw which is pre-recorded and later aired at a set time.
Members of the public have constantly raised issues with the draw being pre-recorded and not live broadcast and expressed anger in an incident where the same number was drawn twice.
The Minister, who is also responsible for the authority, was asked about the concerns of members of the public and if it will be addressed.
“I had long asked [G.C.A.] to do a review as there are good reasons to do so but they say it will be done at the end of the contract,” said Leatinuu. “I did ask why they needed TV 5 and why they couldn’t do it to avoid issues with copy and paste, they say they currently have a contract with them and will review it at the conclusion of that contract [and] if there is another station that can broadcast it.”
In July this year, there were issues with the pre-recorded draw of the weekly lotto jackpot where the same number was drawn twice which led to heavy criticisms from the public.
The seven winning numbers were announced on Saturday evening on the pre-recorded program with the broadcasted graphics also showing the number 25 being drawn twice for the SAT$178,477 weekly jackpot at the time.
However, the G.C.A. denied being at fault and blamed the TV station that recorded the draw for the mix-up. A public statement was later issued by TV 5 at the time after it removed the pre-recorded televised segment.
In the statement signed by management, Leasiolagi Alvin Onesemo apologised for the lapse in video editing which resulted in two "25" numbers being drawn.
The TV 5 station also stated that due to editing issues of the pre-recorded draw, it showed the incorrect number (25) being drawn twice instead of the correct number 29.