Fuel prices go up

By Shalveen Chand 01 September 2023, 10:38AM

Samoans will be paying more for fuel in the month of September as fuel prices have gone up as much as 18 sene per litre.

In the new prices announced by the Ministry of Finance, petrol will now cost $3.20 per litre, up by 10.9 sene from the previous price of $3.09 per litre.

Diesel is up by 18.7 sene per litre, increasing from $3.10 per liter to $3.29 per litre while kerosene now costs $2.88 per litre which is an increase of 16.8 sene from $2.71 per litre.

After two months of reduction in fuel prices, September has brought with it an increase, reflecting the situation in the world market.

According to the Ministry of Finance, the base cost for the September retail prices reflect the increase in crude and refined product prices driven by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) crude oil supply setback.

“Further production cuts could result in significantly larger supply deficits in the market, however offsetting this trend is the potential for reduced demand as some of the global economic indicators are still negative,” said the Ministry of Finance.

By Shalveen Chand 01 September 2023, 10:38AM
Samoa Observer

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