Opposition Leader decries 'unfair treatment'

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 31 August 2023, 9:10PM

The Opposition Leader has expressed disappointment at what he described as "unfair treatment" they've received from members of a Parliamentary Committee.

Speaking during his weekly press conference on Thursday, Tuilaepa Sa'ilele Malielegaoi also used the opportunity to set the record straight that he was not "kicked out" from any parliamentary committee meeting. 

Tuilaepa clarified that he had not been invited to any parliamentary meeting "as a Member of Parliament" since his suspension was voided by the Supreme Court. 

The veteran Lepa M.P. then further clarified that he was invited to the Parliamentary Committee meeting that was reviewing the amendments to the Accident Compensation Corporation Act. However, he was not invited as an M.P. but as the Chairman of Lakapi Samoa Board. 

Tuilaepa also said they are still kept in the dark about why they have been excluded from parliamentary committee meetings now with his party Secretary, Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi especially the Parliamentary Committees they were members of prior to their suspensions. 

He said they were informed that the Standing Order Parliamentary Committee currently reviewing the report from the Commission of Inquiry into the 2021 Election had asked all parliamentarians to go in to share their opinions on the recommendations made. However, they were not invited. 

The M.P. for Faleata No. 3 Lealailepule then approached the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly to seek an explanation on whether they were allowed to go back in now that they are no longer suspended. 

They got the green light to meet with the Standing Orders Parliamentary Committee, chaired by the Deputy Speaker, Auapa'au Mulipola Aloitafua. Tuilaepa explained that he was asked to go in one hour before Lealailepule. However, they were told a different story when they went to the Office of the Legislative Assembly. 

"We were asked to wait until the committee opens up the opportunity again to members of the public to share their views on the report, then we can share our views and make submissions," Tuilaepa said. "We don't understand why we are treated like this as if we are not Members of Parliament. We also don't feel right the way they are treating us. 

"If they had asked all the other M.P.s to make submissions before Members of the Committee, why would they ask us to wait until they open it to members of the public to make submissions?"

Tuilaepa said that they are not taking the matter lightly and that they are looking very carefully at their next steps. 

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 31 August 2023, 9:10PM
Samoa Observer

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