Drugs valued at $250K seized by Police

By Shalveen Chand 24 August 2023, 6:27PM

Five thousand marijuana plants with a street value of SAT$250,000 as well as unregistered firearms were seized by the Police in a raid at Faleatiu this week.

According to a media release issued by the Police on Thursday, the raid was in response to concerns raised by the village regarding ongoing issues involving narcotics. The raid also resulted in the arrest of five suspects.

“The S.P.P.C.S. [Samoa Police, Prisons, and Corrections Services] will continue to combat drug-related activities in Samoa, as their use can have severe medical and criminal consequences,” reads the media release. 

“S.P.P.C.S. encourages the public to come forward with any information about drug-related activities within your community and to inform the police immediately or to contact our office or a nearby station on the telephone number #22222.

“We convey our sincerest gratitude to the public for your ongoing assistance and continuous support in ensuring safety for all.”

Police Commissioner, Auapa'au Logoitino Filipo has previously said that the war on drugs will continue and the Police’s drug unit has been following leads to make arrests so the flow of narcotics in the country can be eliminated.

He said while the bigger focus was on methamphetamine (meth), marijuana is still a worry as some people continue with the cultivation of the plant.

The Faleatiu area is historically known for its links with Samoa's illegal drug trade with a drug bust in early November 2019 resulting in the confiscation of about 10,000 marijuana plants together with firearms, meth, ammunition and cash.

The Police operation at that time, which was led by then-police commissioner Fuiavailiili Egon Keil with 100 police officers, was executed deep in the woods of Faleatiu led to an armed standoff but ended without any weapons being fired and six suspects being arrested. Those arrested at that time including two women and a prison escapee.

By Shalveen Chand 24 August 2023, 6:27PM
Samoa Observer

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