Old boys give $20K to St. Joseph's College

By Gutu Faasau 24 August 2023, 5:37PM

Even when they no longer live in Samoa, the St. Joseph’s College alumni resident in Auckland, New Zealand always try to give back to their old school. 

As they've always believed that their days at the school have helped mould them into who they are today. This conviction materialised on Wednesday night when a group of the college's alumni gave back to their old school. 

A cheque for SAT$20,000 was presented by the Marist Brothers Old Pupils Association (M.O.P.A.) Auckland-New Zealand to the school.

The funds were raised through multiple walkathons and other charity events and they were able to deliver the donation on Wednesday evening at the Marist Old Pupils Hall at St Joseph's College.

Lemalu Sem Sititi, the President of M.B.O.P.A.–Auckland New Zealand, said all the old students try to give back to the school and with this donation, the current students will be able to receive a better quality of learning.

“This donation was made by the M.B.O.P.A. Samoa Auckland in New Zealand. The whole purpose of the donation was to help the school in nursing these students for a very bright future,” he said. “We did this to help the students and the teachers. 

"The funds will be able to provide wages for the teachers, help maintain the computer room and especially help with renovations to the school hall. This is a result of all our hard work and fundraising in the last few months to help with the school.

“Wherever a Marist ex-scholar goes they will always look for ways to help and give back to their school. This is the example the M.B.O.P.A. Auckland New Zealand tries to live by and deliver every year.”

Being able to give back to the old school is a reward and blessing for them and they vowed to continue to help out the school in the years to come.

By Gutu Faasau 24 August 2023, 5:37PM
Samoa Observer

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