Flipping canoes are part of the race: I.V.F. president

The President of the International Va'a Federation (I.V.F.), Lara Collins has explained that boats getting damaged and flipping over at the World Championships is not new in the sport of paddling.
In an interview with the Samoa Observer, Mrs. Collins said there were some boats that were damaged and some flipped over during the races since it started on Monday. She said the federation has worked around solutions around such incidents by paddlers while racing.
"There are challenging conditions where boats flip over, there are a few canoes that have been damaged, but we're trying to find solutions and we're trying to modify the race schedules so that we can accommodate the conditions we are faced with," she said.
"I guess it's challenging for everybody and that's what kind of makes it a little bit more interesting for everybody and exciting as well.
"Boats often flip over and that's just part of racing. Obviously if people don't get the results that they want they get disappointed but I think we are really happy with the event and the hospitality from the people of Samoa has been amazing."
Mrs. Collins also emphasized that the overseas paddlers had enjoyed their time in Samoa despite the spirit to claim medals at the event because of Samoa's hospitality.
"The racing has been really exciting and we had our first medal presentation yesterday (Tuesday) and another one today (Wednesday) and there's been some really exciting races and challenging conditions for the paddlers," she said.
"And for the event organisers as well but I think everyone's made some good solutions and the event's going well.
"The opening ceremony was incredible and the award ceremony was so professional and everybody that we've spoken to just loved being in beautiful Samoa.
"It's been great to be here. For most people here, this is their first time in Samoa so it's been special and we have a cultural night tonight where the actual paddlers are doing a cultural performance which is open for everyone."
She also clarified that the race course has also been moved inside the bay because the open sea was quite rough and they want everyone to be safe.
Meanwhile, the races will conclude on Friday followed by an official closing ceremony on Saturday where all paddlers and organisers will attend and celebrate.