Doctorate recipient dedicates success to parents

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 24 July 2023, 5:30PM

A Samoan woman from Sili and Neiafu Savaii capped with a doctorate degree in education at the University of Hawaii has dedicated her success to her parents. 

Dr. Saofa’igaali’i Fa’aolatane Pa’o Lowe graduated with a Doctorate in Education in Professional Education Practice from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa over the weekend. 

A former student of Sili Primary School and Samoa College, the graduate also holds a Master’s Degree in Education in Curriculum Studies from the University of Hawaii. 

She is the daughter of the late Fa'aolatane Pa'o Sosaiete of Sili and Asovalu Safiu Lafaitele Vo'a of Neiafu, Savai'i. 

In previous years she studied at the Brigham Young University (BYU) in Hawai'i where she received her bachelor's degree in Information Systems.

Her latest thesis centred around a problem of practice regarding issues of power, equity and social justice challenges faced by English Language Learners from the Federated States of  Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands who reside in Hawai'i. 

Dr. Saofa’igaali’i said getting a doctorate was rare and credited the "shoulders of the best giants" that have helped her on her journey. 

“I was raised by God-fearing parents who trained me to do hard things,” she said. “My parents dropped out of Year 8 but their deepest desire for their children to gain an education was palpable in their every teaching, every counsel, every sacrifice, and every intentional work. 

“The doctoral journey was the most arduous academic journey of my life, filled with difficulties and challenges on so many levels, very long hours of study, research, reading, writing, editing, and preparation for public defences and conferences.”

At the age of 48, the PhD graduate, who is a teacher by profession hopes to return to Samoa during school break so she can run professional development training for teachers in her district and Samoa. 

She has been helping schools in Samoa by sending reading books from Hawaii through a book drive she personally organised. 

A part-time tutor at the BYU Provo and Pacific Heritage School in Utah, Dr. Saofa’igaali’i thanked God for his guidance in her pursuit and acknowledged committee members for their critical feedback. 

Although her father has passed on, she said his teachings remain a powerful force behind her achievement, and his sacrifice paved the way for his children’s success.   

She also used the opportunity to thank her mother Asovalu for her prayers and fasting during her journey which has shown fruit through her graduation. 

The mother also extended her gratitude to her siblings, her husband and her children that have taken up her other duties and responsibilities so she can have time to study and carry out her research. 

It takes a village to raise a child and Dr. Saofa’igaalii wanted to thank her village for their support as well as her teachers from primary up to higher education.

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 24 July 2023, 5:30PM
Samoa Observer

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