Moemoana is the new Miss Samoa N.S.W.

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 22 July 2023, 10:20AM

The Miss Samoa New South Wales has crowned a new title holder for 2023-2024 who will represent the Samoan community in this year's Miss Samoa Pageant.

She is Moemoana Safa'ato'a Schwenke from the villages of Auala, Asau, and Matavai Safune in Savai'i, Taufusi, Matautu Lefaga, and Vaimea in Upolu. 

Moemoana, who was born in Samoa and raised between New Zealand and Australia, is the eldest daughter of Frederick Schwenke and Maryjane Mckibbin-Schwenke. 

Her mother Maryjane is renowned for her Siva Samoa and as a former Miss Samoa and Miss South Pacific in 1997-1998. 

The crowning ceremony was held on Thursday night where the former Miss Samoa (N.S.W.) Tanya Tago crowned Ms. Schwenke. 

The longest-serving Miss Samoa and Miss Pacific Islands, Seumanu Fonoifafo Seumanu was the guest speaker at the crowning ceremony, where they urged the newly crowned Miss Samoa N.S.W. to be bold, patient, humble, and ready to be of service to her people. 

Addressing the audience on Thursday night, the newly crowned Miss Samoa N.S.W. said she was honoured and humbled to take up the new role. 

"No matter what oceans I traverse, I carry Samoa with me to the utmost," Moemoana said. "One of my most treasured gifts is the gift of being a Pacific Islander, a Samoan. Drawing strength from our Ancestors, and guided by God.

"I am humbled to be your Miss Samoa N.S.W. 2023-2024 and excited to serve and empower our communities. Fa’afetai tele lava. 

"Grateful to live and receive this award on Dharawal and Dharug Country, their lands and waterways have been sustained and cared for by First Nations people from time immemorial.

"I step into this platform to be a vessel that is of service to Samoa, and our Samoan-Australian diaspora communities. We carry the responsibility to safeguard our Samoan culture to honour the legacy of our Ancestors and future generations."

Revealing that the seed to contest the Miss Samoa crown was planted in her from a very young age, Moemoana said people began asking her to enter the competition ever since she turned 18. And she remembered how she would walk around the house as a little girl with her mother's Miss South Pacific crown. 

A climate change advocate, she said she will use the platform to continue her advocacy, claiming that it is a big threat to her homeland and also the Pacific.

Moemoana's mother, the former Miss Samoa and Miss South Pacific, also expressed her gratitude to the Miss Samoa N.S.W. Committee for the trust bestowed upon her daughter.

"Taking on a role like this is not for the glory but to do what you can to serve and give back to community, country and people," Mrs. Schwenke said. "Good luck Moemoana Schwenke, wherever this path may take you I’m sure it will be one of great learning and growth. 

"As a mum who knows all too well the pressures of such a title, I do believe you are ready for the challenge. I will quell my yearning to want to protect you from the harsh reality and pressure that sometimes comes with this role. You pave your own path, as you have always done Moemoana. May God be with you every step of the way. 

"Thank you Miss Samoa N.S.W. for the honour and trust you have bestowed on Moe. I believe she will do all she can to make you proud and honour the legacy of those who came before her. Moemoana carries the name of her great-grandfather and great Aunty. Both of them were incredible leaders and orators. 

"I trust all will be well on this next journey to the Miss Samoa pageant in September. Samoa here we come. Please be kind to my girl, she is a kind soul with so much love to give."

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 22 July 2023, 10:20AM
Samoa Observer

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