Funding for villages' beautification scrapped

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 17 July 2023, 8:00PM

The Government has scrapped support for village beautification activities and community-based committees and prioritised its $1 million district grant programs.

The change in financial assistance is reflected in the 2023/2024 Budget of the Ministry of Women Community and Social Development which was passed recently. The Ministry also has oversight over the district grants.

According to the budget estimates for this new financial year, the annual allocation of $150,000 for the National Beautification Activities and Awards has been done away entirely. The national beautification activity is an annual event where all villages are encouraged to decorate and keep districts clean and are given monetary rewards after inspections. 

Last year the National Beautification Committee inspected villages both in Savai'i and Upolu where villages went all out in their village decorations with the prize-giving of the winners coinciding with the country's 60th Independence anniversary celebration. 

The Government has also reduced the annual allocation to support the Komiti Tumama (women’s committee) from SAT$2.1 million in 2022-2023 to just SAT$300,000 for the 2023-2024 financial year.  

Also affected is funding for the annual exhibition of ie Samoa (fine mats) which is an event hosted by the M.W.C.S.D. though its funding has been halved from $400,000 to $200,000 for this financial year. 

The Ministry’s budget for the current financial year has jumped to $64.7 million compared to $63 million last year but some of the community-based activities have been halved. 

The current budget allocation includes $51 million for the district development program – while financial support for the Samoa Victim Support Group (S.V.S.G.) – gets $500,000 for the non-government organisation support program and $100,000 goes to ending violence. 

For the first time also the Government has also set aside budget support for aged care residents who are currently in Mapuipulotu ($20,000) and Mapuifagalele Home of the Elderly ($50,000).  

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 17 July 2023, 8:00PM
Samoa Observer

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