No more weekly press conferences: Police
There will be no more weekly Samoa Police press conferences as they launched their media unit together with their communication strategy last week.
This was confirmed by Police Commissioner, Auapaau Logoitino Filipo who told this newspaper in an interview that the press conferences will only be held when there are serious cases. He said other cases will be dealt with and communicated through their new media unit.
"With the launching of this strategy, we will start using our unit for most cases unless it's something big then we'll definitely call the media," he said.
He also stressed that the launching of the Police's communication strategy and media unit will allow the police to boost their game in terms of communicating information to the general public.
He added that police have sped up the launching ahead of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (C.H.O.G.M.) next year to ensure the releasing of information is convenient from their end.
"Our own staff are employed for the role in the meantime but at the same time, we are also looking at employing new staff or those who are interested and have the knowledge in this area (media/communication) to apply to the advertisements will be up soon."
The media last year were informed by the police that press conferences will be held weekly to inform the nation of matters dealt with by police on a weekly basis.
Police last week blessed and launched their new and improved media kits/equipment through the Samoa Australia Police Partnership (SAPP) with the newly endorsed Samoa Police and Corrections Services Communications Strategy 2023-2026, in efforts to enhance the organisations’ communications to inform, engage and assure the communities.
The SPPCS Communications Strategy 2023 -2026 was developed by Elizabeth Ah-Hi, a local consultant and communications specialist with funding support through the SAPP.
This partnership has not only enabled the creation of the police's comprehensive strategy but has also played a pivotal role in building the capacity of their media unit, the Police said in a statement.
The Police said the communications strategy is a way to support their media unit to create awareness in communities, in terms of key priorities in society by enforcing safe homes and communities; safe roads; safe prisons and corrections and; and safe borders.
According to the Police, these methods will elevate Samoa Police, Prisons and Corrections Services’ strive to "inform and educate the nation, increase engagement and assure the public and community of SPPCS’ ongoing work to keep Samoa safe and secure".
The handover of the media kits and endorsement of the communications strategy is a way forward for the SPPCS media unit’s continuous efforts and commitment to building relationships and increasing engagement with the audience and the community.
Auapaau acknowledged the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Mission Commander Daniel Evans for their continuous support and welcomed the new developments for the organisation.