Consultancy work on M.C.R. split concluded
A consultancy firm that provided technical analysis and evaluation of the Government’s proposal to split the Ministry of Customs and Revenue has completed its job.
The Minister of Customs and Revenue and the Deputy Prime Minister, Tuala Iosefo Ponifasio confirmed the current status of the project in response to questions sent by Samoa Observer.
He said Oceania SMART Consultancy had concluded its work and its report and recommendations have been reviewed and endorsed by the Public Service Commission.
"A paper has been prepared for Cabinet to consider and make a decision," Tuala said. "We don't plan to rush into this as we want to ensure the transition goes smoothly."
Tuala said the priority for the Ministry at the moment is to prepare for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (C.H.O.G.M.) in October next year.
"Obviously we have C.H.O.G.M. to focus on and we want to focus on our systems and processes to ensure C.H.O.G.M. gets priority consideration on everything we do this year, and in particular the border security area."
Tuala also emphasised that they are firm in their decision to break up his Ministry in order to "improve service delivery, border security and collection."
Oceania SMART Consultancy was awarded the contract after the Tenders Board approved the Ministry's recommendation on 29 August 2022.
In a previous interview with the Minister, Tuala explained that the aim of the proposed split is to ensure Samoa has Inland revenue that focuses on revenue collection while Customs focuses on border security.
"We want each Ministry to work efficiently and productively so they need to focus," he said.