Samoa Observer

Professionalism of P.S.C. questioned after Facebook post

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Professionalism of P.S.C. questioned after Facebook post

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 01 July 2023, 8:36PM

A Facebook post by Samoa's Public Service Commission on its official account on Saturday morning has caused an uproar on different social media platforms. 

Some members of the public have questioned the "professionalism" of the P.S.C. due to the content of the social media post, claiming that it targeted members of Samoa's medical fraternity. 

The post had a photo of rabbits wearing suits and running behind a turtle on a skateboard during a race. The image was from the "Hare and Tortoise" fable and had the caption "Be smart! No one cares about your efforts, only the results". 

Above the image and caption of the controversial post were the words: "Performance Planning period - closed 31st July 2023. Contact PSPPE and SES Divisions for further details." 

While the P.S.C. had deleted the post from their official social media account, screenshots of the post have been shared widely on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

The post by the P.S.C. follows a week of heated exchanges between Ministers of Health and P.S.C. and the Samoa Medical Association (S.M.A.) on the new salary remunerations offered to doctors at the Ministry of Health. 

The Health Minister, Valasi Tafito Selesele, as well as the Minister for P.S.C. and Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mata'afa, have both criticised the medical profession for their objection to the changes as well as for initiating the "work to rule" policy. 

The doctors have been accused of "only working for money" yet delivering "poor results" with the Ministers making reference to the increase in the number of people being sent overseas for medical treatment as well as the number of people diagnosed with different diseases, claiming its an indication of "poor performances" from the doctors.

Members of the S.M.A. decided to temporarily shelve the "work to rule" motion for a week, hoping to continue negotiations with P.S.C. 

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 01 July 2023, 8:36PM
Samoa Observer

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