Grants totalling $275K given to private sector, workers association

By Talaia Mika 26 June 2023, 5:50PM

Grant funding totalling $275,000 has been presented to private sector organisations and the Workers Association to support and boost the ongoing development of the sector and the association in the country.

The Government presented $250,000 to the private sector organisations (P.S.O.) while the other $25,000 went to the Workers Association to boost their ongoing development and the association. The presentation was held at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour (M.C.I.L.) headquarters in Apia on Monday. 

The Minister for Commerce, Industry and Labour, Leatinu’u Wayne So’oialo presented 10 eligible P.S.O. with their approved grants for the current financial year with $25,000 going to the Workers Association.

He encouraged partnership between the P.S.O. and the Government whilst acknowledging their contribution to the development of the private sector and Samoa’s economy through their commercial activities which stimulate employment creation and economic prosperity.

The private sector grant is the Government's reaffirmation of its annual commitment to strengthening its Public-Private Partnership by supporting the ongoing development of the private sector. This commitment is presented in the form of a grant to eligible P.S.O. to assist with their administrative operations. The cabinet approved the allocation of the annual P.S.O. grant for the Financial Year 2022/2023 to ten P.S.O. 

The eligible organisations are those with commercial affiliations and are registered with M.C.I.L under the Incorporated Societies Ordinance 1952. There are set criteria and a number of factors to be considered in determining the amount of the grant to be awarded to each organisation. This includes registered members; submission of the strategic plan, annual reports and audited financial statements; active advocacy role; and progress of any development projects being undertaken by the PSO.

The approved allocation for the FY 2022/2023 financial year included: Samoa Chamber of Commerce & Industry ($50,000); Women In Business Development ($45,000); Samoa Association of Manufacturers and Exporters Incorporated ($40,000); Samoa Hotels & Hospitality Association ($35,000); Business of Salafai Association ($25,000); Samoa Federated Farmers ($20,000); Samoa Information and Technology Association ($20,000); Samoa Mamanu Designs & Manufacturers Association ($5,000); Tautai Samoa Association ($5,000); and Asosi mo Atina’e Laau Toto Savaii ($5,000).

For the Workers Associations grant, this is the second year since its establishment for an emphasises to be placed on having the vision to strengthen worker representation across all sectors of economic activity. The grant is directed towards workers' associations that sit on the Samoa National Tripartite Forum and the Samoa Medical Association. It is the commitment of the Government to promote the principles of social dialogue and tripartite consultations which requires continued dialogue between the Government, employers and workers to ensure their voices are heard in the development of important labour and employment matters.

The grant started with four (4) associations with a total allocation of $20,000 which this year increased to five (5) with a total allocation of $25,000. The grant is to support the administrative costs and importantly planning of each association in rolling out their respective programs. Overall the initiative will enable organizations to improve their representation of members’ interests through various platforms. The recipients of the grants in FY2022/2023 are Samoa Workers Congress ($5,000); Public Servants Association ($5,000); Samoa Nurses Association ($5,000); Samoa Seafarers and Maritime Association ($5,000); and Samoa Medical Association ($5,000). 

By Talaia Mika 26 June 2023, 5:50PM
Samoa Observer

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