Samoa celebrates 61st Independence

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 01 June 2023, 10:54AM

The downpour in the early hours of Thursday morning did not dampen the spirits of thousands of Samoans, from different walks of life and different age groups who assembled at Tiafau to celebrate 61 years of Independence. 

By 3 am on Thursday, schools and different government ministries and organisations started making their way down to Mulinu'u in preparations of the march before the Government and Church leaders, special guests and Members of the diplimatic corps. 

The event showcased the patriotism of the citizens of the country as they gathered to celebrate 61 years of political independence and the first Pacific Island to gain their freedom from colonial rule. 

The formalities began with a brief service led by Elder Sapele Fa'alogo of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, followed by the declaration from the Head of State, His Highness, Tuimaleali'ifano Va'aletoa Sualauvi II. 

His Highness reminded the gathering that the commemoration of the country's independence offers an opportunity for the nation to come together to not only thank God for his guidance upon Samoa, but also an opportunity to reflect on the nation's successes and failures over the years. 

"As we come together to celebrate 61 years of independence, we ponder on God's faithfulness, guidance and protection over Samoa," Tuimaleali'ifano said.  

"We reflect with thanksgiving and praise for he has guided our cause safely through challenges and tests. Today is certainly a day to celebrate the success of our democracy, we remember the sacrifices and vision of our forefathers in shaping our independence. 

"However, on this occasion, we should also with introspection consider what remains to be done. We know we would achieve independence in a true sense only when we are able to eradicate hardships and ensure that all citizens reap the fruits of national development while having full opportunities to contribute to it. 

"This would be possible only when we learn from our failures and build on our successes."

He then acknowledged the church leaders and members of the clergy for continuing to uplift the country, its leaders and its people in prayers. Turning to the leaders of the government, Tuimaleali'ifano commended the leadership of the country's Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa and her Cabinet as well as the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and all parliamentarians. 

He also expressed his sincere gratitude to the Chief Justice, President of the Lands and Titles Court and Justices of the Courts, for continuing to uphold the integrity of the judiciary.

Lastly, he acknowledged the contribution of the community at all levels for their joint efforts in assisting the government and maintaining peace and harmony across the country. 

He also acknowledged the continuous support and assistance of Samoa's developing partners as well as the Samoan community overseas. 

The Chairperson of the Independence Committee and Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mata'afa also reflected on Samoa's journey.

"At the dawn of this day in 1962, our nation came together as a family to celebrate its first Independence Day," Fiame said.

"The tears of joy and contentment were beyond explanation as we set our eyes on our national flag and sang in unity our national anthem "Samoa tula'i ma sisi ia lau fu'a, o lou pale lea." Such a moment continues to echo in our hearts as we are gathered once again to commemorate the 61st Independence Anniversay of Samoa. 

"We welcome especially our distinguished and esteemed guests who have travelled from abroad to our shores to celebrate together with us this significant event of our country's history. Thank you indeed for accepting our humble invitation. 

"We acknowledge the Lord's unconditional love and grave over our country for these many years. Samoa would have never survived the torrents of inevitable challenges of being a sovereign nation without his divine leadership. 

"As we celebrate our 61st Anniversary of Independence, we remember the sacrifices, prayers, wisdom and foresight of our forebears who strived for our freedom."

By Sialai Sarafina Sanerivi 01 June 2023, 10:54AM
Samoa Observer

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