Samoan singers get ready for Oz tour

By Cedric Ah colt 18 May 2023, 5:30PM

Music is the bond that binds singers Della and Lagi Jensen and now they will be sharing that bond Down Under for the first time as they prepare for their first tour. 

The married couple is heading for Australia next month. The Jensen's journey began in 2015 as they met for the first time. Not only did their voices sync but their lives as well.

The couple said they would not have been able to make the tour if it was not for the help and support of family and friends, who assisted them by searching for venues to perform, preparing logistics, and even helping book tickets. Their tour will take place in four different venues in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. 

Mr. and Mrs. Jensen said the tour had been meticulously planned and it was something they had started working on when they started singing together.

“This will be a very big opportunity for us to explore and to discover. My wife and I have been dreaming of this day,” Mr. Jensen said. “The two people that I wish to be by our side on our tour are both our fathers. 

"My wife lost her father, our father, last month on the 18th and he was always right by our side whenever we performed. My grandfather whom I call father has got very serious health problems and that prevents him from coming with us."

As for Mrs. Jensen, she is grateful for the opportunity, saying she knew in her heart that her father would be with them in spirit.

“Our tour would be very great if my dad was still alive. He is my hero and he always comes to every concert we book,” she said.

The Jensens have quite a following on the social media platform. When they released their first song 'Le Alofa' (This Love) on YouTube, they instantly had thousands of like.

“We realise that to grow in the music industry we have to tour and spread our music. We want to showcase the musical talent Samoa has," Mr Jensen said. “We thank our DJ friends in Australia, DJ Tikelz and DJ Retep. 

"They have helped and contributed with finding us a roof while we will be in Australia and for helping us make this dream become a reality."

The couple have been performing locally at hotels, bars, and functions and now they want to take it a step further. They believe they have a chance to become a hit, especially among the Samoan diaspora that resides in Australia.

Lagi Mata’utia Jensen is from the villages of Saleimoa and Vaiusu, whereas her husband comes from Vaiala and Maagiagi. The couple have four children. 

They said their children inspire them and hope that they are able to take this inspiration with them and have a successful tour in Australia.

By Cedric Ah colt 18 May 2023, 5:30PM
Samoa Observer

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