Old man forgives his trespassers

An elderly man who claims to be a victim of arson is unhappy that the culprits who torched his home have never been made to face justice.
Now he says, that in his heart he has forgiven everyone who have wronged him including the Police.
It was on December 25, 2020 when Mr. Gabriel's home burnt down in Papase’ea. He was not at home when the fire started and hoped that the Police could have done a better job in catching those responsible.
Mr. Gabriel, 64, said that on the afternoon of 25 December, 2020 he went to his aunt's place in the evening and after a night of feasting and drinking, he ended up sleeping at his aunt's place.
“I had a very wonderful sleep that night and did not expect my house to be completely burnt while I slept. There weren’t any witnesses to see who started the fire," he said.
"My neighbour only noticed when the flames were high. I was woken up by Police the next day. The had come to inform me that my house had burnt down."
Mr Gabriel said he was questions by the police and was told that they would investigate the matter but no results came.
He said in 2021, he made a few visits to the Police Station where he was told by investigators that the investigation was in progress and they were awaiting a report from the Samoa Fire and Emergency Service Authority.
A year later, he received a letter from the Police telling him that the investigation had been suspended because they had been unable to find any witnesses.
According to Mr. Gabriel, he reached out to the Ombudsman so the Police would continue the investigation.
“I have already forgiven everyone involved. It is 2023, so I am forgiving them and God will be the judge. I have built a small shack of my own and by my own. I am safe here and I don’t worry no more," he said.
Mr. Gabriel said he hoped that the service delivery by Police would improve so if someone else in the future becomes a victim like him, they can be provided justice..
“To those who burnt my house, I forgive you all. I forgive the Police officers that handled my case as well, however, I really need change not for myself but also for the people that are facing the same circumstances I am facing,” he said.
“We need improved services from our governmnet departments. Samoa needs active police officers."
Questions sent to Deputy Police Commissioner Papali'i Monalisa Tiai-Keti remain unanswered, however the Samoa Police have been emphasising on improved service delivery.
Last week they have advertised posts for 50 police constables to boos their numbers even more.