Abuse survivor gives birth

By Shalveen Chand 13 May 2023, 10:10AM

A survivor of sexual abuse from the Campus of Hope gave birth to a healthy baby on Friday morning, just two days before Mother’s Day.

The Samoa Victim Support Group (S.V.S.G.) confirmed that the girl is safe and the baby is a new blessing to the Campus of Hope. 

In November last year, Samoa Observer covered a story about a 14-year-old girl who arrived at the Campus of Hope with her three-month old baby.

S.V.S.G. said Mother’s Day is a day to be thankful for the lives of survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

The women led human rights defenders have wished to all mothers of Samoa a Happy Mother’s Day.

S.V.S.G. President Siliniu Lina Chang said this is time for thanksgiving for the lives of the women survivors of gender-based violence being saved through its response and prevention work.

She said S.V.S.G. recognises the immense efforts and sacrifices mothers make every day to ensure their families are well taken care of.

She said while the circumstances surrounding the mothers’ daily struggles differ, they share the same perseverance and love for their families, hence they soldier on.

“From the unemployed nofotane women survivors of violence, to the working women survivors silenced by fear, to the young girl survivors of sexual abuse under S.V.S.G.’s shelter care, we celebrate their victorious rise from their hardship on this Mother’s Day,” she said.

“Even while preparing for this special day, a new blessing is added to the Campus of Hope shelter for abused children, through a girl survivor of sexual abuse giving birth to a healthy baby this morning. This is our work, and every day is Mothers Day.

“As such, we say thank you to our mothers, for their countless sacrifices, unconditional love, and devotion to our well-being and happiness.“

Siliniu said on this special day, celebrate the love, appreciation, and gratitude for mothers.

She said for the mothers who have passed away, they have to be honoured in memories.

“As a community, let us honour our mothers by celebrating their special day with love and care. Let us enjoy a violence free Mother’s Day, and every day. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers of Samoa! Your hard work and dedication are appreciated and valued,” said Siliniu.

“We would also like to express our gratitude to the main telecommunication companies, Digicel Samoa and Vodafone Samoa, for your sponsorship, which had enabled our communities to call on the Helpline for free.  Thank you for loving our Samoa.

“To the Samoa Gender Partnership Program, as an initiative of the Tautua by DFAT, thank you for identifying the gap in and provided the finances to support the Helpline Operators to man this important part of our services.”

By Shalveen Chand 13 May 2023, 10:10AM
Samoa Observer

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