Police officer is first Samoan to attend international meet

Superintendent Aumua Col Aumua will become the first police officer from the Samoa Police, Prisons and Corrections Services (S.P.P.C.S.) to attend the 16th International Management of Serious Crime (I.M.O.S.C.) Program in Indonesia.
The I.M.O.S.C. program will be held at the Jakarta Centre of Law Enforcement Corporation (J.C.L.E.C.), an international law enforcement training institution established by the Governments of Indonesia and Australia in 2004.
Superintendent Aumua was excited to pioneer this and said he is thrilled to be selected.
“I am honoured and excited to be given this opportunity. The training can facilitate and strengthen SPPCS’ ongoing drive to protect our communities from the effects of transnational crime”, said Superintendent Aumua.
The Superintendent is one of the 21 participants across the Asia-Pacific region with the Australian Federal Police (A.F.P.) conducting the much-anticipated program.
The 16th IMOSC program will be carried out for three weeks and it aims to develop complex investigation management and leadership skills of senior officers.
It focuses on managing major complex investigations, particularly multi-lateral cooperation to target transnational crime, with the theme this year ‘Protecting Our Communities against the Impacts of Transnational Crime’.
Police Commissioner, Auapaau Logoitino Filipo congratulated Superintendent Aumua for becoming the first to represent the Samoan Police in the program and wished him well with his deliberations at the gathering. He also encouraged the senior commissioned officer to utilise the opportunity.
Meanwhile, police had an eventful week with Constable John Bosco also being welcomed back as a qualified operational dog handler after a nine-week narcotic detector dog training course at the New Zealand Police Dog Training Centre in Trentham.
The 37- year old Constable was one of the few Pasifika law enforcers that were a part of the narcotic detector dog training course.
The training course aims to help train and build Pacific agencies' dog section capacity and capability, namely Fiji, Tonga, Cook Islands and Samoa, known to be part of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade supported Pacific Detector Dog Programme (PDDP) with New Zealand Police and New Zealand Customs.
Acting Commissioner Lafaitele Herbert Aati, Deputy Commissioners Papali’i Monalisa Tiai-Keti and Leiataua Samuelu Afamasaga expressed their heartfelt congratulations to Constable Salā for graduating and for a job well done.
Constable John Bosco Salā was one of three Pasifika law enforcers to qualify as operational dog handlers.