S.L.R.C. invites public to join review of traffic laws

By Alexander Rheeney 09 May 2023, 10:05PM

The Samoa Law Reform Commission (S.L.R.C.) has invited submissions from members of the public as part of a review of Samoa's traffic laws and regulations.

The S.L.R.C. advised of the review that it is undertaking in a press release issued on Tuesday and added that its review is based on concerns driven by an increase in traffic-related accidents over the years. 

It said a preliminary review that the commission undertook in 2019 highlighted the need for a review in order to reform and update all the country's "scattered, overlapping, duplicated and outdated" traffic laws.

According to the S.L.R.C., its review will potentially focus on three main traffic laws: the Road Traffic Ordinance 1960; the Road Transport Reform Act 2008; and the Road Traffic (Payment of Fines) Act 2009. 

The terms of reference for the commission that has been approved for the review are: (a) collect and collate all traffic laws of Samoa; (b) carry out research and research those laws against the current systems, practices, and context of Samoa, and against overseas best practices; and (c) make recommendations on updated traffic laws of Samoa, in form and in content, taking into account the current circumstances of the country.

The commission said its Discussion Paper for public consultations has been approved by the Cabinet, which now paves the way for the S.L.R.C. to conduct stakeholder and public consultations in the coming weeks.

"The public will be duly informed as to the details of venues, dates, and times for these consultations at a later date."

In line with the law reform process, the commission said it is inviting public submissions on any or all the matters outlined in its Discussions Paper. The due date for public submissions is 30 June 2023. To obtain copies of the commission's Discussions Paper, the S.L.R.C. urged members of the public to visit their office or download it from their website www.samoalawreform.gov.ws 

By Alexander Rheeney 09 May 2023, 10:05PM
Samoa Observer

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