Nine teams took on FESA 10km RACE
In the early hours of Friday morning, while most still slept, nine teams from various government ministries valiantly took on the FESA 10km race, part of the 2023 celebration of International Firefighters Day.
And running alongside them, as volunteer race officials, was the Samoa Triathlon squad, according to a press release issued on Saturday by Samoa Triathlon.
Darren Young, Samoa Triathlon President, and also a member of the Samoa Athletics Association, explained why they wanted to help the Samoa Fire and Emergency Services Authority.
“When we heard that FESA needed assistance with today’s race, we were more than happy to step up. Our fire and emergency workers put their lives on the line every day for Samoa. It’s an honor for us to be a small part of this celebration," he said.
"What an amazing chance for our young triathletes to meet some of the FESA staff, and get to be inspired by them.”
Darren is also on the triathlon squad and he led the way for the race officials running the 10km. The relay started at the Apia Fire Station and runners had to each run 2km before handing their team baton over to the next person.
Government ministries were invited to participate to test their endurance, challenge themselves, and connect with like-minded individuals while supporting the mission of FESA, to protect their community “through the desire, courage, and ability to serve.”
It was indeed a test of endurance as runners battled a tough course that took them up the steep hill to Samoa College, as well as navigating the occasional feisty dog that ran after them. Unlike the relay teams though, it was the job of the Triathlon Samoa squad to run the entire 10km race from start to finish.
Each triathlete was assigned to follow a team on the course, monitor their progress, make sure they did the baton exchange correctly at each changeover station, and that everyone kept to the rules. FESA has high standards of conduct and wanted to maintain those standards in their relay.
“It’s important we have officials to supervise the relay and make sure everyone respects the rules and each other, with good sportsmanship. That’s why we need these officials who can run beside all the teams,” said Commander Masoe of FESA.
It takes a certain level of fitness to be able to run 10km and the triathlon squad was the ideal choice for the task. Their coach Bernie Poort explained that the squad has been training rigorously since the beginning of February, as part of their preparations for the 2023 Pacific Games in November. Running is a key part of that.
“Our triathletes train six days a week, sometimes twice a day. For a triathlon, they must combine three separate disciplines, swimming, cycling, and running, into one epic race. We are happy to support this community event that promotes good health and better living.”
The triathletes were an impressive sight in their blue and red tri suits, the perfect complement for the colors of International Firefighters Day. One of the symbols of IFFD is the red and blue ribbon which represents the elements firefighters have to work with – red for fire and blue for water. Wearing the ribbon on IFFD honors the sacrifices made by firefighters from here and around the world.
When asked about their experience in the relay, 19-year-old Gideon Mulitalo had this to say, “It was my first time to run a 10km and it was a tough challenge but exciting too.“
While 17-year-old Manamea Schwalger added, “The event was well organized. But I could see that some of the teams' participants really struggled with finishing their 2km. I was glad for all our training.”
After the 10km relay, the triathletes then lent a hand with the FESA tri water sports, acting as additional lifeguards helping those swimmers on the course who struggled with their 200m distance.
The connection between FESA and triathlon is not new. In 2019, one of the triathlon squads selected to represent Samoa at the Pacific Games, Eperu Tiatia Maisa was a member of FESA. A highlight of the day then was for former Pacific Games teammates, Darren Young and Eperu Tiatia of FESA, to meet up again – running and swimming side by side, just like the ‘old days’!