King Faipopo wants a new lawyer

In an unexpected turn of events in the Supreme Court on Friday, a man convicted for plotting to kill the former prime minister said he would like to change his lawyer as the matter was called for pre-sentencing.
One of the co-defendants in the matter, Malele Paulo also known as “King Faipopo” stood up during the court proceedings, despite having a legal representation acting on his behalf, and informed the court that he has had a change of heart, and would like to change his lawyer.
The presiding judge, Justice Vui Clarence Nelson immediately interjected and asked King Faipopo to take a seat and to allow his lawyer to speak on his behalf.
Counsel Leumuava Quentin Sauaga has been representing King Faipopo.
However, despite attempts from Justice Vui to stop King Faipopo from talking, he continued to plead with the court to allow him a chance to speak.
He then read out a note expressing his disappointment with his lawyer. King Faipopo told the court that he realised that his lawyer was incompetent and untrustworthy.
He went on to explain that he had asked his lawyer if there was a chance they could appeal the guilty verdict.
Something his other co-defendant, Lema’i Sione had already done through his lawyer, Unasa Iuni Sapolu.
King Faipopo said Counsel Sauaga advised him that they would need a transcript from Justice Vui’s summing up of the case so they can identify and formalise grounds for the appeal.
Before King Faipopo stood to speak, Justice Nelson had asked Counsel Sauaga whether his client (King Faipopo) had any intentions of joining an application from Lema’i to defer sentencing.
But Counsel Sauaga responded saying that his instruction from his client was that he was ready to proceed to sentencing.
The unexpected turn of events during the proceedings shocked the counsel who said he was kept in the dark of King Faipopo’s change of heart.
He said they met on Thursday to go over the sentencing submission and other matters relating to the case but King Faipopo never had any issues or acted otherwise.
King Faipopo went as far as claiming that a senior counsel who was also in the courtroom allegedly advised him to refrain from mentioning the name of the other defendant in this matter who is currently in Australia, Tala Pauga.
He alleged that Pauga had an affair with a relative of the senior counsel.
At this point, Justice Nelsoni interjected and asked King Faipopo to stop talking as he has made his point clear that he wants to find a new lawyer.
Justice Nelson said King Faipopo could have discussed his plans or issues with his lawyer before uttering it out in court.
Justice Nelson asked King Faipopo to discuss his wish with Counsel Sauaga if he wants to find a different lawyer.
This is not the first time King Faipopo has pulled such a stunt.
He did the same to Unasa Iuni Sapolu who represented King Faipopo in another matter at the District Court over three years ago.
King Faipopo has also started a “gofundme” account asking for money to pay off his legal fees.
The matter has now being referred back to the call over list to schedule a date to hear the application from Lema’i to defer sentencing until the matter now before the Court of Appeal is dealt with.
It will be called again on 8 May to hear the application from Lema’i through his lawyer, Unasa Iuni Sapolu.
The prosecution has informed the court of their objection to the application and has been asked to submit written submission of their objection to the application to stay sentencing