Teenager's voice earns her role in video

By Cedric Ah colt 22 March 2023, 5:54PM

A teenager's dream of having a music video was realised as a video production featuring her strong voice was launched on Wednesday with the help of telecommunication company Vodafone.

Vaesala Talavave is a 15-year-old from the village of Fasito’o Uta and she started singing since she was only five. The Paul VI College became a viral sensation in Samoa and other countries with her rendition of Bruno Mars song “When I was your man”. The video was posted by her music teacher on social media.

Her voice and singing ability made many reralise that Samoan youths have talents which need to be harnessed through proper support and this time it has come the way of Vodafone.

She is featured in a video promoting Samoa and also backs up as a commercial for the company.

“I thank God for everyone that liked my first uploaded video that went viral and I also thank Vodafone Samoa for this opportunity, for me to sing this song for a very important advertisement is an achievement” she said

“I thank my both my father and mother, my aunties and especially my grandmother for their endless support”

Vodafone acting Chief Executive Officer, Rana Bose said young Vaesala had real talent and technology could help her.

“This is the power of technology which can help build career for talented people like Vaesala and social media plays a very important role” he said

The video features Miss Samoa, Ms. Haylani Pearl Kurrupu getting off a plane and then making her way to a beach. The original song was composed by the Pacific Love Band and Vaesala sings the song with the band in the short video.

The video is titled ‘Together we can’ and Vodafone hopes promote Samoa.

Vaesala said her first video going viral on social media gave her confidence and she hopes that youth with similar talent are able to use the various digital platforms to promote their talents.

"Our generation should not be scared or shy when it is crowded but sing to the world and let them know your talent” she said.

She encourages her peers to explore their talents.

By Cedric Ah colt 22 March 2023, 5:54PM
Samoa Observer

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