Five more years on waste deal

By Shalveen Chand 20 March 2023, 10:00AM

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) have extended their partnership for sustainable waste management in Samoa.

The Japanese government through JICA has been helping Samoa manage their waste including the landfill.

Last week J.I.C.A. signed an agreement with the M.N.R.E. to continue its technical cooperation project in waste management in Samoa for another five years. This project will be implemented as the third phase of the Project for Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management in Pacific Island Countries.

To prepare for the signing of the agreement, JICA's Tokyo mission visited Samoa in September 2022. During their two-week stay, they attended the 5th J-PRISM 2 Steering Committee Meeting and conducted a detailed planning survey for J-PRISM 3. They also met with MNRE, SPREP, and other relevant ministries and organisations.

Samoa has made significant progress in addressing waste management issues, and M.N.R.E. has taken a positive and proactive lead in this area. JICA has had a long-standing cooperation with M.N.R.E. under the project for over 10 years, and the current phase 2 is set to end in March 2023.

J.I.C.A. continues this regional collaborative partnership for another five years, with partner countries including Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, and Samoa.

According to JICA Resident Representative, Ms. Yumiko Asakuma, effective waste management is crucial to the sustainable development of Pacific Island Countries. 

“With the support of the Japanese government and J.I.C.A., we are committed to working with MNRE and other relevant stakeholders to establish a sound material cycle society in the region,” she said. 

“By promoting the 3R+ Return initiative, we aim to reduce waste generation and promote the efficient use of resources, contributing to the achievement of the SDGs."

J-PRISM 3 will focus on establishing a basic framework and necessary measures towards a sound material cycle society through the 3R+ Return initiative in the Pacific region. J.I.C.A. said they were committed to supporting island countries in the Pacific with waste management and looks forward to continuing this project.


By Shalveen Chand 20 March 2023, 10:00AM
Samoa Observer

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