S.D.A. youth mark day with major clean up
Rather than put up with environmental pollution created by the littering of plastic, Nuu Seventh Day Adventist youth on Saturday decided to take action.
The S.D.A. youth leader Penny Pelelā said their community outreach program is part of their contribution to mark and celebrate the work of young people within the church worldwide as part of Global Youth Day.
“Every year on this day, all youth groups of the S.D.A. church around the world come up with plans to help their own countries and local communities," Mr. Pelelā said.
"Those activities are based on selected themes. For this year, all programs are based on the theme, love is a verb.”
He said the community service that the Nuu S.D.A. youth were doing is cleaning the community, which he said goes to reflect the concept of love and not only for the well-being of the villagers but also visitors traveling on roads.
Their call to action also portrays how much the youth value God’s creation, the youth leader added. The youth program is a way of helping to save the environment for future generations, as they believe that preserving the natural environment is another way of serving God.
The Nuu S.D.A. youth also expressed concern at the build-up of rubbish in Samoa and said their overall goal is to get others involved in setting an example for the younger generations who will inherit the planet from them.
One of the youth participants, Simeone Pelela said that if people discard rubbish carelessly then everyone suffers from their reckless action.
“If people continue throwing garbage on these sites, it associates with health problems and unhygienic surroundings so we have to end this unpleasant habit."
Besides picking up rubbish, they were able to fill up potholes and clear the roads to make them accessible for vehicles going into their village. They believe that they should go the extra mile when it comes to looking after their community.
Mr. Pelela said that while they are working for a better environment, changing mentalities and advocating for a pollution-free island will inspire youngsters to do the same.
“As a young man, I must say that I am very proud of the impressive contributions the youth have made towards the life of the societies not only the S.D.A. youth groups but every young person in the world.
"This is not the first time we do this but it is always our passion to continue with this volunteering work as part of God’s mission on earth.”