Life changing service at Friendship Park

By Gutu Faasau 11 February 2023, 6:00PM

It was a life-changing evening for those who attended the Pentecost Reborn Crusade at the Matagialalua Friendship Park at the back of Government building on Friday evening.

International evangelist Pastor Charles Robinette, who has travelled the world preaching at crusades, is now in Samoa to spread the gospel with the event on Friday evening the start of a two-day crusade. 

He was brought to Samoa through the LifePoint Church at Moto'otua, which is headed by Pastor Stephen Merritt, who is also the organiser of crusades. They are also the lead missionary supervisors of the United Pentecostal Church (U.P.C.) of Samoa and have been looking forward to Pastor Robinette's arrival. 

The Prime Minister of Samoa, Fiame Naomi Mata'afa, was among the guests who were present that evening to witness the preaching of the international evangelist. 

“I pastor LifePoint Church in Moto'otua with my wife and our guest speaker is an international Evangelist and will be preaching on the theme 'pentecost reborn'," Pastor Stephen told the gathered crowd. 

The event on Friday evening was hosted by the U.P.C. which took charge of the evening with ushers positioned around the park to invite and show guests their seating. 

“Our vision is that the same outpouring that happened on the day of pentecost in Acts Chapter 2 will happen here in Samoa," added Pastor Stephen.

“My wife and I have been in Samoa for nearly four years. We planted the LifePoint Church, are in charge of our National Bible Training Center, Apostolic Truth Bible College, and are presently assisting with the leading and direction of the U.P.C. of Samoa.”

The U.P.C. of Samoa has been present in the Samoa since the mid to late 60s. They have multiple churches in Upolu, Savai'i and American Samoa.

Hundreds gathered that evening to hear Pastor Charles preach the word of God. Many people answered the alter call having resonated with what the preacher had earlier shared and felt that they were touched by the message.


By Gutu Faasau 11 February 2023, 6:00PM
Samoa Observer

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