Youths told education is security

By Shalveen Chand 28 January 2023, 7:27PM

More than 600 youths aged between 12-years-old and 18-years-old were given a reminder on the importance of completing their education at the Gym 1 in Tuanaimato.

The youth were from the Apia West Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The youths from the seven units of the stake took part in sporting activities and took home a very important session.

Spokesperson for the Apia West Stake, Tumanuvao Evile Falefatu said the event was organised to get the youths together for the day before the new school year starts.

“Education is your security that was the message that passed onto the youths that were here. I estimate they were somewhere between 600 to 800,” he said.

“When you are well educated, you will be able to do things for yourself and that also involves sports. Education is the only way the children can expand on their intelligence and that is important in understanding the glory of God.”

Tumanuvao said there were a lot of influences that the young minds of today had to face, and this was a challenge not for the youth but also for their families, church and the society at large.

He said such events allowed the youths to mix around with each other in a positive setting and they are able to share positive thoughts. The event will end with a devotional service on Sunday.

The youths who participated were excited at the opportunity to be around other youths of the same age and get a chance to discuss the issues that they were faced with.

The sporting events were competitive but there were no winners, and everyone was allowed to participate to ensure that everyone had a fun time and at the same time realise that winning was not everything.

Tumanuvao said the events were organised so the youths could participate equally, and everyone had a chance to be involved.

He said as a church group, it was important to ensure that the youth were occupied with things that were good for personal development because it was easy for some of the youths to sway when they had nothing to do.

He said they have planned for future events such as the one held on Saturday.


By Shalveen Chand 28 January 2023, 7:27PM
Samoa Observer

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