Seasonal worker family hopes the scheme restarts soon

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 24 January 2023, 7:00AM

While the Government is working on a policy on who can qualify for seasonal work, many families dependent on this work scheme are saying they are frustrated. 

Evile Siaosi from LepaAleipata said his older brother, Semeatu Siaosi had just signed a contract confirming him seasonal work in New Zealand.

"My parents were hoping for him to go soon because he was helping to build our home. He has bought us a car, and sent money to rebuild our home because it needed repairs," he said. 

"Now we have to hold up on that because of the hold up for seasonal workers," he said. 

Mr Siaosi said he had six siblings and two of them were recently taken to Australia through adoption by an uncle who lives there. 

"Two of my young siblings have gone overseas as they have been adopted by our uncle and aunty who are faifeau, ( reverend) there," he said. 

"I think most families try to send their children overseas through other families to get better opportunities."

Mr Siaosi said he does not plan to do seasonal work because someone has to stay back to help his parents.

"I think it is best that I remain home to help my parents because my older brother will go soon, that leaves me and our youngest sibling who is a baby," he said. 

Mikaele Samuelu of Lalomanu Aleipata said that none of his families are on seasonal work. 

"I go fishing and work the land. I also work for a busy beach operator so I am okay to stay home and look after my young family," he said. 

"We live on our own land, and my small children are home with my wife. She tends to the kids while I work to contribute to the family dos and village contributions, " he said.

The Ministry of Commerce Industry and Labour has advised the public to be aware of a temporary stop ordered by the Cabinet on the Recognised Seasonal Employment (R.S.E.) scheme.

In a public notice issued last Friday, the Ministry advised that all trips scheduled for January to New Zealand and Australia will not proceed until further notice.

"For all those who had already prepared their visa and travel documents to depart Samoa within this month, please you cannot leave the country until the Ministry gets back to you if any change has been made," the M.C.I.L. public notice reads. 

The Ministry of Commerce Industry and Labour has advised the public to be aware of a temporary stop ordered by the Cabinet on the Recognized Seasonal Employment (R.S.E.) scheme.

"The Ministry through its R.S.E. scheme division calls upon you all to take heed of this decision from the government due to some areas that needs to be sorted and completed, to improve the program for the betterment of our people." read the statement.

The government also apologised to those who had prepared to leave within the month for the inconvenience.

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 24 January 2023, 7:00AM
Samoa Observer

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