Public tell of their Christmas plans

By Jean Datsun Tuimauga 20 December 2022, 3:00AM

Reporter Jean Datsun Tuimauga and Photographer Rashmi Lameta talk to the public asking how they would be spending their Christmas this festive season.

Atonio Vaifale, 18, Leauvaa.

"I believed myself that if I got nothing to do on christmas just stay home. I'll be around my neighbours to have some fun because that's how a Samoan kid's life is. Find some new friends and be happy with my family. On Christmas just sleep and be together with my family that's all."

Michael Tuala, 16, Leauvaa.

"The only thing for me that I want on Christmas is to be happy and pray to God that he will bring peace and love upon us. Jesus will be born soon so that he will bring joy in the world and to renew ourselves."

Leilani Sagote, 30, Leauvaa.

"That day is all about the love we share and to be together in one spirit. It's all about visiting our family and being happy all together.Family is the most important present for me on Christmas. We laughed and enjoy the day that Jesus was born."

Monica Lotonuu Matasiva Atonio, 22, Leauvaa.

"For me, I'll just have some fun and have parties with the family, gather the family in one spirit, share the love and joy so we will have the best Christmas ever. We should not be having vacation because we all know what happened with Covid-19. We kept safe by having fun at home rather than having holidays away where we might spend a lot of money and time. Wishing you Samoan merry merry Christmas to you all."

Ope Siale, 16, Leauvaa.

"Thank you for this opportunity. I know Christmas it's on Sunday we might not having parties. We all should go to church and give thanks to God for his protection upon us from the beginning to the end of this year 2022. Stay home as it is safe and make it holy because it's on Sunday. Merry Christmas Samoa."

By Jean Datsun Tuimauga 20 December 2022, 3:00AM
Samoa Observer

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