Samoa, Tonga league supporters take to streets

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 05 November 2022, 11:50PM

Hundreds of Samoan and Tongan families blocked one part of a Brisbane city street, to join compatriots in Apia, as they showed support for their Rugby League World Cup teams.

There was a lot of flag waving and cultural dancing and music with performances by the young including children as their watching parents cheered them on. 

Brisbane resident Setefano Talavave, who was one of the organisers of the event on Saturday, said he was proud to be part of such a festive occasion and had moved to Australia in 1996 from Samoa.

Another organiser Atapana Lio told the Samoa Observer that he was elated with the spirit of unity amongst the people.

"It is about exhibiting our cultures and coming together to show support for each other," he said.

Faumuina added that the parade in Brisbane means that the neighbouring islands of the Pacific stand together in unity, despite the sporting rivalry that will be on show in Warrington on Monday morning, with a semi-final sport in the RLWC on offer to the winner. 

"It's about uniting our communities. And remembering to help our neighbors. We wish the players a good game," he said.

In Samoan capital Apia both Samoan and Tongan supporters also joined a parade in the Apia town area with people waving flags, toothing their vehicle horns and shouting at the top of their voices as the vehicle-parade drove by.

Even a heavy downfall on Saturday afternoon didn't deter the rugby league-mad Samoan and Tongan supporters with the parade continuing as people stood at the back of their trucks to cheer and wave their flags. 

Taxis that were also packed with Toa Samoa and Tonga supporters had people pushing their heads out of the windows and cheering as they waved their flags.

Members of the Samoa Police Service kept a close eye on the parade and were seen directing the traffic to ease the traffic congestion and to keep the parade flowing. 

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 05 November 2022, 11:50PM
Samoa Observer

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