Samoan cocoa, ava keeps Falealupo going

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 24 October 2022, 1:00PM

A Falealupo matai (chief) has picked the Samoan cocoa as well as ava as the two most popular food source for his village which is also generating revenue for families.

Lamositele Tuuese told the Samoa Observer in an interview that in his village of Falealupo these are the two main staple food crops which is preferred by most families.

"Most of us prefer to plant the ava and Samoan cocoa," he said. "You hardly find a family without those things in Falealupo."

According to the chief, Samoan cocoa as well as ava also generates revenue for families and is a source of income for them.

"I can sell it for $10 tala and many people from American Samoa want our ava," the matai added. 

His wife Salema also talked about the benefits of growing cocoa in your backyard. 

"We always have Samoan cocoa, many people like our cocoa too," she said, before her husband gave insights on how the sale of ava enables them to buy protein for their family.

"I buy fish with the money from the ava if I can't fish," he said. 

His wife Salema had cooked octopus with coconut cream as well as made raw fish as their Sunday meal while also looking after their grandchildren.

It is believed cocoa was brought into Samoa by the Germans in the 1880s which upon its introduction to families on the main islands of Upolu and Savai'i led to households growing them as part of their traditional crops.

Falealupo village is located on the big island of Savai'i.

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 24 October 2022, 1:00PM
Samoa Observer

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